At this time, the Texas Funeral Service Commission is not accepting any more requests for decedent donors from out-of-state entities. As a result of the transfer of duties and responsibilities from the Anatomical Board of the State of Texas, the Commission is in the process of establishing procedures for the receipt, use, and transfer of decedent donors for the advancement of medical or forensic science. In so doing, the Commission is exploring every facet to ensure proper procedures and policies are in place. If you have already submitted an application to the Commission, please contact our office regarding your application. Any questions may be directed to 512.936.2474 or by email to
The Texas Legislature Passed Senate Bill 2040, which went into effect on September 1, 2023.
More information about Bill 2040 is available at:
For more information about the Texas State Anatomical, please visit the
Texas State Anatomical Board website.
Current State Anatomical Board rules are in effect until TFSC passes new rules and to the extent that the Anatomical Board rules do not conflict with state statute.
Click the following link for current rules:$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=3&ti=25&pt=4
I want to donate to Texas Medicine of Science.
Click below to find out how:
List of Texas Universities accepting donations.
Click the link below to find out.
I want to register my Non-transplant Donation Organization (NADO)
NADO conditional registration form
I need my Anatomical facility approved and inspected by TFSC.
Click the link below:
TFSC Inspection Checklist_Ch 691
TFSC Request for Facility Inspection Form
Request for Anatomical Specimen Form
Request for Anatomical Specimens form
I'm an Out-of-State Facility that needs to apply for an authorization